April 4, 2010

Elson's Funeral

Elson’s death took us by suprise, even though he had been sick for an extended period of time.

The only good thing that came out of this for us is that my family got to meet Li and see how good a person she is, and how good she is for me.

It’s only human nature to compare, and my family immediately saw how supportive she was. They knew she had to study, yet she was there with me down in Los Angeles, because that’s where Elson was.

What was strange was that during the visit to Forest Lawn about Elson’s funeral plot, I got a phone call from my ex. I never found out what she wanted because I picked up the phone call and immediately let out some of my emotions and told her I would call her back after the funeral. I never called. Sometimes, you get signs in your life that things were never meant to be. She didn’t reach out to me for several months and then I would get a phone call from her while I was at a cemetery? Spooky.

